Plant Care 2.0: How To Increase Humidity For Plants

Last Updated February 3, 2024 By Bella Zinti

Home » Plants » Plant Care 2.0: How To Increase Humidity For Plants

When it comes to nurturing your indoor garden, you already focus on all the usual suspects – water, light, and soil quality. However, there's an unnoticed factor in the equation that is often overlooked yet plays a crucial role in unlocking your plants' full potential – humidity!

Humidity isn't just about creating a comfortable living space for yourself. It's also about establishing the ideal environment for flourishing leafy companions. Whether you're an experienced plant parent or just starting your journey into indoor gardening, grasping indoor humidity can be a game-changer.

In this article, we'll discuss methods to boost indoor humidity levels to benefit plant growth. We'll uncover the science behind it, explore why it's essential for your plant's well-being, and equip you with the knowledge and tools to create the perfect microclimate for your green companions.

What Is the Best Humidity Level for Plants?

The average humidity level for houseplants depends on their individual needs, but a general guideline is to maintain a relative humidity range between 40% and 60%. Maintaining humidity within this bracket ensures that most houseplants can transpire efficiently, absorb nutrients, and withstand environmental variations. Here is a general guide to how much humidity different varieties of plants need:

Low humidity (0% - 20%): Houseplants generally struggle in extremely dry conditions. However, cacti and succulents can thrive in this arid range, enduring to about 10% humidity. Some broadleaf plants, such as snake plants, can also handle these dry conditions.

Moderate humidity (20% – 40%): Most indoor spaces fall into this category. Most houseplants can survive here, but tropical species may not blossom and could exhibit drooping leaves, particularly in the dry air of winter months.

Optimal humidity (40% – 60%): Ideal for household environments, especially during summer. It fosters robust growth for most plants. Other plants can also flourish with additional humidity-boosting methods (like misting). This range encourages flowering and vegetation. 

High humidity (60% – 80%): Maintaining such levels at home can be challenging but suits greenhouse conditions well. High-humidity plants like tropical varieties can be particularly beneficial from it.

Very High Humidity (80% +): Rarely achievable at home without generating mold issues, this level is vital for certain tropical plants, such as pineapples, which thrive at around 90% humidity. It's also ideal for seed germination and nurturing seedlings.

What Types Of Indoor Plants Enjoy Humidity

Several indoor plants grow best in high-humidity environments. This makes them ideal choices for spaces with naturally humid conditions or homes where humidity can be controlled. Some humidity-loving plants include:

Tropical Plants: These botanical beauties, such as Peace Lilies, Philodendrons, and Calatheas, have evolved to thrive in the lush, humid rainforests of the tropical regions of the world. The large, vibrant leaves and lush foliage of tropical plants are adapted to absorb moisture from the air, making them perfectly suited for homes with elevated humidity. Not only do plants thrive in a humid environment, but they also enhance indoor air quality by actively eliminating toxins.

Ferns: Ferns, including Maidenhair Ferns, Boston Ferns, and Staghorn Ferns, are renowned for their graceful, feathery fronds that transport us to verdant forest floors. These high-humidity plants love the extra moisture in the air, which mimics their natural habitat under the canopy of trees. Placing them in a humid environment helps maintain their delicate fronds' lush green appearance.

Orchids: Orchids are famous for their striking beauty and sophistication. In particular, Phalaenopsis and Lady Slipper Orchids are no strangers to humidity! These exotic plants often do best in bathrooms or kitchens where humidity levels are higher, ensuring their unique blossoms dazzle in all their glory.

Bromeliads: With their vibrant, long-lasting inflorescences, Bromeliads add a burst of color to any space. These fascinating plants are well-suited to humid environments, often thriving in kitchens or bathrooms where steam prevails. Their unique rosette structure collects water naturally, allowing them to flourish in such conditions.

Palms: Majesty Palms and Areca Palms add tropical sophistication to your indoor sanctuary. These graceful, slender plants are adapted to humid environments, making them excellent choices for homes with controlled humidity or naturally damp spaces. Their feathery fronds add a refreshing green focal point to your decor.

How To Increase Humidity For Indoor Plants

Group Plants Together: Grouping humidity-loving plants together creates a mini-environment where moisture levels naturally rise. As these plants transpire, they release water vapor through their leaves. The collective effect of multiple houseplants' transpiring boosts humidity in the immediate vicinity. This method is particularly effective for creating a lush, green corner in your home without creating a more humid environment throughout the whole house.

Use a Humidifier: A humidifier is a versatile and precise tool for controlling humidity levels. You can adjust it to maintain the desired moisture content in the air. Place the humidifier near your plants, releasing a continuous stream of mist or vapor, ensuring the surrounding air remains comfortably humid.

Pebble Trays: Humidity trays are both functional and visually pleasing. Add a layer of clean pebbles (or marbles!) to a shallow tray or saucer to create a pebble tray and increase humidity for plants placed on it. Fill the tray with water, ensuring it reaches just below the top of the pebbles, and then place your plant pots on the surface of the pebbles. Don't overfill your humidity tray, or your plant pots will sit directly in the water! As the water gradually evaporates from the pebble tray, it saturates the air with vapor, creating a microclimate that benefits your plants.

Misting: Misting provides a rapid and convenient method for elevating plant humidity levels. Employ a spray bottle filled with distilled water to mist the leaves of your indoor plants gently. Carry out this process in the morning to allow the foliage sufficient time to dry before nightfall, minimizing the likelihood of fungal problems. Misting also removes dust from leaves, allowing them to absorb light better. However, never mist plants with fuzzy leaves (such as African violets), as they tend to hold on to water much longer.

Use A Plant Terrarium: Consider planting your humidity-loving plants inside a terrarium or Wardian case for a captivating and self-contained humid environment. These enclosures will enhance plant humidity while ensuring steady and consistent humidity. Terrariums can be both functional and decorative pieces in your home.

Bathroom Placement: Numerous bathrooms naturally provide humid conditions due to the steam generated by showers and baths. Placing indoor plants in these spaces can give them the higher humidity required. Just be mindful of your houseplants' specific light and temperature requirements to ensure they grow in the bathroom environment!

Cover With A Plastic Bag: You can create a makeshift greenhouse effect for houseplants needing a humidity boost by placing a clear plastic bag over the plant or using a plastic dome. This traps moisture and will create humidity, resulting in a microclimate perfect for houseplants requiring more humidity. Make sure to remove the covering periodically to prevent mold or mildew growth. Humidity is important, but so is good air circulation!

Double Pot: Double potting, a clever technique employed by gardeners and plant enthusiasts, involves placing a plant in a small pot and then a bigger pot. This method can help increase humidity levels around the plant by creating a small water reservoir between the inner and outer pots. As the water slowly evaporates, it raises the humidity near the plant, mimicking its natural environment. Double potting is particularly beneficial for moisture-loving plants and is a practical way to maintain optimal humidity indoors.

Shower Your Plants: Showering plants is a practical method to boost humidity indoors. This involves a gentle spray of water onto the plant's foliage using a handheld showerhead or the sprayer on your kitchen sink. As water evaporates, it saturates the air around the plant, elevating humidity levels. It's a quick and effective way to provide a temporary humidity boost, especially for moisture-loving plants. Nevertheless, carrying out this task in the morning is crucial to permit the leaves to dry before evening.

Signs Your House Plants Need Higher Humidity

As a conscientious plant parent, it's essential to develop a keen eye for the subtle language of your houseplants. Recognizing the signs that your green companions need more moisture is a vital skill in ensuring their well-being. Here's a closer look at these indicators:

Crispy Leaf Edges

When the edges of your plant's leaves turn brown and crisp, it's a plant's cry for help. This phenomenon occurs because the dry indoor air accelerates moisture loss through the leaf's delicate margins. Essentially, the plant struggles to retain hydration, and the visual cue is those browning edges.

Frequent Wilting

Despite your meticulous watering routine, you may find your plants wilting more often than expected. This is because low humidity levels lead to rapid leaf moisture evaporation. Consequently, the plant can't quickly replenish the lost water through its roots, resulting in wilting, even when adequately hydrated.

Stunted Growth

A thriving plant should exhibit vibrant growth, characterized by lush, full leaves and steady development. If your plant growth seems sluggish, with smaller leaves or elongated stems, it could be due to inadequate humidity. Dry air can hinder the plant's ability to photosynthesize and allocate energy toward growth.

Leaf Drop

Houseplants that crave more moisture may shed leaves excessively as a coping mechanism. The dry environment forces the plant to lose moisture through transpiration, so it may drop leaves to conserve resources. If you notice more leaves littering the soil than usual, it's a sign your plant is struggling to maintain its hydration balance.

Dull or Dusty Leaves

Healthy leaves are glossy and vibrant, reflecting their vitality. However, plant leaves can appear dull in dry conditions and will accumulate dust more rapidly. This detracts from their visual appeal and can hinder photosynthesis, as dusty leaves are less efficient at capturing light.

Pests and Disease

Low-humidity environments can create favorable conditions for tiny pests like spider mites and mealybugs. Dry air also fosters an environment where fungal diseases are more likely to occur. If you notice an uptick in pest activity or signs of disease, consider whether humidity levels contribute to the problem.

Brown Leaf Tips

While browning leaf tips can have multiple causes, including overwatering, underwatering, or soil issues, low humidity is another factor to consider. In a dry environment, moisture loss can occur rapidly through the leaf tips, leading to browning. It's essential to rule out other factors, but keep humidity in mind.

Signs Your House Plants Have Too Much Humidity

Root Problems

The roots of indoor plants require access to both water and oxygen for proper functioning. In excessively humid environments, the soil can become saturated, reducing oxygen availability to the roots. This lack of oxygen can suffocate the roots, impeding their ability to absorb water and essential nutrients from the soil. As a result, plants may exhibit stunted growth and become more vulnerable to root rot, a fungal disease that thrives in waterlogged conditions.

Fungal Growth

High humidity is a breeding ground for various fungal diseases. Conditions such as powdery mildew, downy mildew, and gray mold love environments with excess moisture. These fungal pathogens can quickly spread across a plant's leaves and stems, compromising their overall health and appearance.

Pest Infestations

Elevated humidity can establish an optimal environment for specific pests. Pests such as aphids, whiteflies, and spider mites tend to reproduce more rapidly in humid conditions. These pests can infest your indoor plants, causing damage and stress.

Yellowing Leaves

The reduced transpiration and limited photosynthesis resulting from excess humidity can lead to the yellowing or browning of plant leaves. This is due to the plant's diminished ability to produce energy and oxygen, affecting its overall vigor and visual appeal.

Weak Stems

Some plants may undergo etiolation in response to excessive humidity, characterized by elongated, weak stems and smaller, pale leaves. This stretching towards drier air can result in leggy, smaller plants.

Fertilizer Leaching

High humidity can accelerate soil nutrients' leaching. Nutrients are washed away more quickly, making them less accessible to the plant's root system. Despite regular fertilization, plants may suffer from nutrient deficiencies.


Monitor Humidity: Use a hygrometer to monitor humidity levels and adjust your efforts accordingly accurately.

Avoid Heaters: Avoid placing your plants close to the heater during wintertime. If placed too close, it can scorch the plant leaves. If you have underfloor heating, raise the plants onto a small table or use a plant stand.

Don't Neglect Air Circulation: Ensure some airflow is around your plants, as stagnant air can lead to problems like mold and weak growth.

Don't Overwater: While humidity increases, avoid overwatering your plants. Ensure that the soil remains well-draining to prevent root rot, and only use pots with drainage holes.

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About the author

Bella has a Bachelors degree in interior design, is a master gardener. She designs nourishing outdoor & indoor spaces guided by the practice of Feng Shui.