Alocasia Pink Dragon 101: A Beginner’s Guide To Successful Cultivation

Last Updated August 30, 2023 By Bella Zinti

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If you're looking for a unique plant with showstopping foliage, look no further - Alocasia "Pink Dragon" is your plant! With its striking colors and unique form, this enchanting plant variety is guaranteed to breathe new life into any space, transforming it into a lush oasis of elegance and sophistication.

With its origins in the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia, the Alocasia Pink Dragon brings a touch of the exotic into your living environment. Its vibrant leaves, adorned with rich pink, green, and ivory hues, create an alluring display that captivates the eye and the imagination.

The Alocasia Pink Dragon is visually stunning and possesses qualities that make it an excellent choice for plant parents. This variety is known for its relatively compact size, perfect for smaller living spaces or as a statement piece on a desk or tabletop. Its manageable growth habit ensures you can easily accommodate this beauty in your collection without overwhelming your space.

While it's true that the Alocasia Pink Dragon has gained a reputation for being a challenging plant to care for, with proper attention and understanding of its needs, it can be successfully nurtured and enjoyed. Once you set up a humid location with the right amount of lightning and get the watering schedule down, Alocasia Pink Dragon care is simple and low maintenance! Below, we'll tell you everything you need to know to care for your Alocasia Pink Dragon and find that perfect Alocasia Pink Dragon light, soil moisture, and humidity balance so your new plant can thrive.

Botanical Name

Common Name

Plant Type

Mature Size

Sun Requirement

Soil Type

Hardiness Zone

Pet Friendly

Alocasia lowii 'Morocco'

Alocasia Pink Dragon

Perennial, corm

4 ft. tall, 2-3 ft. wide

Bright, indirect

Moist but well-drained

10-12, USDA


What Is The Alocasia Pink Dragon 

Alocasias' Pink Dragon (Alocasia 'Morocco') is a beautifully colored Alocasia, with shiny dark green leaves with white or light green veins and a burgundy underside, sitting atop light pink stems. It can grow a full 4 feet tall if given proper growing conditions!

The Alocasia plant species traces its origins to the lush tropical rainforests and jungles of Southeast Asia and Eastern Australia. This native habitat is important to keep in mind when caring for Pink Dragon Alocasia as indoor plants!

Alocasia Pink Dragon Plant Care Requirements


Alocasia Pink Dragon is a tropical plant, which means that it grows underneath a tree canopy. Its large leaves are perfect for soaking up the dappled natural light that makes its way through the branches above. To imitate this condition at home, it's important to give your Alocasia Pink Dragon houseplants plenty of bright, indirect light. Direct sunlight will result in leaf scorch, but too little light will lead to drooping leaves.

A location near a south-facing window is ideal. An east-facing window also provides plenty of bright indirect sunlight that will come through during the morning and is likely mild enough to be safe. Otherwise, you can diffuse the direct light using a sheer curtain.


The watering routine is one of the most important things to get correct when growing Alocasia Pink Dragon. To maintain optimal moisture levels, it is recommended to water the Alocasia Pink Dragon when the top few inches of the soil feel dry to the touch. However, it's important to avoid letting the soil completely dry out. During the spring and summer months, watering typically occurs once a week, while in the winter months, it can be less frequent due to reduced growth and lower water requirements.

It's crucial to always feel the soil first prior to watering because the Alocasia Pink Dragon plant is prone to problems caused by both underwatering and overwatering. Use distilled, room temperature water when watering your plan, and take care not to let water splash up onto the leaves. When watering, drench the soil thoroughly and let the excess water drain freely from the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot.

To monitor your Alocasia Pink Dragon soil moisture level, it's recommended that you purchase a moisture meter or stick your finger into the soil frequently.


The Alocasia "Pink Dragon" plant can be grown outdoors in USDA Hardiness Zones 8b to 11, where they grow perennially. If you live in a zone where seasonal temperatures drop below 50 degrees Fahrenheit at night, you will need to grow your Pink Dragon Alocasia plant indoors or at least grow it in a pot so that it can easily be moved indoors.

As tropical houseplants, keep Pink Dragon Alocasia plants away from areas that experience temperature fluctuations, such as near exterior doors, drafty windows, and air conditioning vents. Instead, keep the plant in a warm location.


Along with watering, providing Alocasia Pink Dragon with high-humidity growing conditions is also important. Ideally, the average humidity levels should be between 60 and 70 percent to mimic their native tropical environment, and this is much higher than the humidity levels in most households!

Creating a more humid environment around the Alocasia Pink Dragon is often beneficial. This can be achieved by employing methods such as using a compact humidifier or placing a pebble tray filled with water near the plant. You can also place your Alocasia in the bathroom to enjoy regular bursts of steam and humidity. Frequent misting sessions will also help increase humidity levels. These approaches help increase the air's moisture, promoting a more favorable humidity level for the plant's well-being.


Alocasia Pink Dragon should be cultivated in a soil mix that combines rich organic matter with good drainage properties to ensure proper growth. This balance allows for optimal conditions for the plant's health and development. Premade potting soil mixes that are designed for aroids are suitable. You can also make your own well-draining soil mix by combining equal parts of potting soil, perlite, and orchid bark.


During the active growing season in spring and summer, it is recommended to fertilize your Alocasia "Pink Dragon" plant every two weeks using a balanced liquid fertilizer. This regular feeding helps provide essential nutrients for its growth and development.

However, it's important to note that Alocasia plants typically enter a dormant period during the winter months, during which fertilization should be reduced or halted altogether. The leaves will not completely die back, but new growth won't be pushed out during these months. Do not fertilize during these dormant periods; you can burn the roots.


Alocasia "Pink Dragon" plants have a rhizome root system and are best to propagate and divide in early spring. Here's how to propagate new plants from the mother plant!

  1. Prepare new pots with a well-draining potting mix.
  2. Remove the mother plant from its pot gently. Loosen the soil around the base in order to get a clear view of the root structure.
  3. Separate a small section of root from the rest of the plant. Choose a section that has a few leaves attached.
  4. Pot the separated pups into the prepared containers and maintain consistently moist soil while they grow and get established.

Potting and Repotting

Alocasia Pink Dragon can be a quick grower under ideal conditions and may require repotting every 6-12 months during its early stages. However, mature Alocasia Pink Dragons should be repotted only once every 1-2 years.

When selecting a pot for your Alocasia Pink Dragon, a few key factors must be considered to ensure the optimal growing conditions for this beautiful plant. Here are some recommendations for choosing the best pot:


Alocasia Pink Dragon plants prefer to be slightly pot-bound, so it's best to choose a pot that is just slightly larger than the plant's current root system. Going too large with the pot size can lead to excessive moisture retention and potentially root rot.

As a general rule of thumb, it is advisable to choose a pot that is approximately 1 to 2 inches larger in diameter than the root ball of the plant when repotting the Alocasia Pink Dragon. This allows sufficient space for the plant's roots to grow and establish themselves in the new container.


Maintaining adequate drainage is essential for the well-being of your Alocasia Pink Dragon. Selecting a pot with a drainage hole at the bottom is important, allowing excess water to drain out freely, and this will help prevent waterlogged roots and potential issues such as root rot. Avoid pots without drainage holes, or consider using a decorative cache pot if you prefer the look of a non-draining container.


Various pot materials are available, including plastic, ceramic, terracotta, and fabric. Each material has its advantages and considerations.

Plastic pots are lightweight, retain moisture well, and are less prone to breakage. Ceramic pots offer aesthetic appeal and stability but may require more careful watering due to their less porous nature. Terracotta pots are porous, allowing for good airflow and drainage but can dry out quickly, requiring more frequent watering. Fabric pots promote good drainage and root health but may not be as visually appealing for indoor decor.


Consider the overall aesthetic you want to achieve with your Alocasia Pink Dragon, and select a pot that complements your style and home decor. Choose a pot color, shape, and texture that enhances the visual appeal of the plant and its surroundings. Keep in mind that a neutral or earthy tone pot can allow the vibrant foliage of the Alocasia Pink Dragon to stand out.


Remember, repotting should be done with care to avoid damaging the plant's roots. It's best to perform repotting during the growing season, which is typically spring or early summer when the plant is actively growing.

Take the opportunity to examine the roots for any signs of rot, damage, or overcrowding. If you notice any unhealthy or overly long roots, trim them with clean pruning shears, and this promotes healthier growth and prevents root-bound conditions.


Alocasia Pink Dragon generally only needs light pruning and does not require regular pruning. Occasional pruning may be necessary to remove any dead or damaged leaves or to shape the plant for aesthetic purposes. To minimize the risk of causing harm to your plant, it is crucial to employ clean and sharp pruning tools.

Common Problems When Growing Pink Dragon Alocasia

All houseplants are vulnerable to certain pests and diseases, and Alocasia "Pink Dragon" is no exception. Here are the typical issues you may encounter while growing Pink Dragon Alocasia:

Common Pests

Mealybugs, scale, and aphids are all common pests that prey on houseplants, but Pink Dragon Alocasia is particularly prone to spider mite infestations. They will eat the sap from the stem and leaves. You can prevent them by not letting your Alocasia "Pink Dragon" plant dry out too much, as the dry conditions will attract spider mites. Once your plant has been infested, you can use neem oil or insecticidal soap.

Common Diseases

The plant diseases that Pink Dragon Alocasia is most susceptible to are all fungal in nature: root rot and leaf spots. To treat, unpot your Alocasia Pink Dragon plant and cut away any rotten roots. When replanting your Alocasia, ensure that the pot has adequate drainage holes and use fresh soil for the process. To prevent a recurrence of root rot, amend your watering schedule.

Yellowing or browning leaves

If your Pink Dragon Alocasia leaves turn yellow, this can be caused by various factors, including overwatering, underwatering, inadequate light, or nutrient deficiencies.

Make sure to provide the plant with suitable watering by allowing the topsoil to dry out slightly between waterings. Position the plant in a well-lit area with indirect sunlight, avoiding direct exposure to intense light. Regularly assess the soil's nutrient levels and consider applying a balanced fertilizer based on the plant's specific needs.

Leaf curling or wilting

If your Pink Dragon Alocasia leaves are curling or wilting, it may be due to under-watering or low humidity levels. Ensure that you provide an adequate amount of water to maintain a consistently moist soil, avoiding excessive saturation. Increase humidity around the plant by misting the leaves regularly, placing a tray with water nearby, or using a humidifier.

Leaf spots or fungal diseases

Pink Dragon Alocasia is prone to leaf spot diseases caused by fungal infections. These diseases often manifest as dark spots or patches on the leaves.

To prevent these issues, avoid overhead watering, as moisture on the leaves can promote fungal growth. Promote adequate air circulation around the plant and avoid overcrowding to maintain its health.

If leaf spots occur, remove and destroy affected leaves, and consider using a fungicide as per the product instructions.

Root rot

Excessive watering or insufficient soil drainage can result in root rot for Pink Dragon Alocasia. If the plant's roots are consistently sitting in waterlogged soil, they may become damaged and susceptible to rot.

To prevent this issue, provide effective drainage by employing a well-draining potting mix and utilizing pots equipped with drainage holes. Allow the top layer of soil to dry out before watering again, and avoid allowing the plant to remain in standing water.

If your Pink Dragon Alocasia has yellowing leaves or has mushiness, it's a sign that you should cut down on watering before it becomes root rot.

Is Pink Dragon Alocasia Pet Friendly?

No, Alocasia plants are not safe to have around pets or small children. They contain calcium oxalate crystals. They are mildly toxic and can cause mouth and stomach irritation and vomiting if ingested.

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About the author

Bella has a Bachelors degree in interior design, is a master gardener. She designs nourishing outdoor & indoor spaces guided by the practice of Feng Shui.