The Marble Queen Pothos, also called Epipremnum aureum' Marble Queen Pothos plant,' is a lovely houseplant with heart-shaped leaves marbled with green and white. Also referred to as golden Pothos or devil's ivy, this plant is exceptionally robust and requires minimal upkeep, making it a perfect option for individuals new to plant care and seasoned plant lovers.
In this Marble Queen Pothos care guide below, we will cover every aspect of nurturing this remarkable plant. Whether you're a seasoned plant parent looking to add a touch of elegance to your collection or a beginner seeking a forgiving and rewarding plant, the Marble Queen Pothos could be a perfect choice.
Botanical Name
Common Name
Plant Type
Mature Size
Sun Requirement
Soil Type
Hardiness Zone
Pet Friendly
Epipremnum aureum 'Marble Queen'
Marble queen pothos
Perennial, vine
10 ft long, 3 ft wide (indoors)
Bright indirect
Loamy, moist but well-draining
11a, 11b, 12a, 12b
What Are Marble Queen Pothos Plants
The Marble Queen aroid plant is evergreen and vining. The tiny, heart-shaped leaves of the marble pothos houseplant grow on skinny vines that rarely extend more than 10 feet in length. It anchors itself firmly in one place and then uses nearby trees as a stepping stone on its ascent. Originally from French Polynesia (more specifically, the island of Moorea), it has since spread throughout the tropics and subtropics.
The leaves of the Marble Queen Pothos are stunningly green variegated foliage, appearing both green and white or yellow in various patterns. It is commonly used as interior decoration because of the sophistication and visual appeal it brings to any room. Like other types of Pothos, the Marble Queen Pothos has been proven to remove harmful gasses from the air, including formaldehyde, benzene, and xylene.
Snow Queen Pothos vs. Marble Queen Pothos
The Snow Queen Pothos and the Marble Queen Pothos are exquisite, easy-to-care-for indoor plants offering year-round beauty. Despite being related, these two species, the Snow Queen Pothos, and the Marble Queen Pothos, exhibit distinct differences.
One distinctive difference is the foliage of the Snow Queen Pothos is predominantly green. However, they have silvery white or light gray variegation. The leaves of the Marble Queen Pothos have a bright green base color with huge, uneven spots or marbling of white or yellow. However, they both do best in ordinary humidity levels, well-drained soil, and average watering.
Marble Queen Pothos Care Guide
As a tropical plant, the Marble Queen Pothos flourishes when exposed to moderate to bright indirect light. Pothos is a popular choice as a houseplant since it can survive in low- or no-light environments. However, a Marble Queen Pothos plant can be successfully grown outdoors if planted in a container and kept in partial shade during the day. Avoid direct sunlight, as the direct sun often burns the foliage.
Marble Queen Pothos prefers to be kept evenly moist but not waterlogged. These tropical plants are reasonably drought-tolerant and prefer dry soil. Allow the soil's top inch or two (2.5 to 5 cm) to dry out before watering again. Insert your finger into the soil until you reach the first knuckle; if it feels dry at this depth, it's typically an appropriate moment to water. Prevent the plant from remaining in waterlogged soil, as this can result in root rot.
During the active growing season (spring through early fall), Marble Queen Pothos may need more frequent watering as it experiences more growth. In the dormant season (winter), growth slows down, and the plant requires less water. Adjust your watering frequency accordingly.
Marble queen pothos grow in well-draining soil that maintains a certain level of moisture without becoming overly saturated. Marble Queen Pothos prefers soil that is loose, airy, and full of organic content. Do not use dense soil because you risk suffocating your growing marble queen pothos. It will absorb too much moisture. Place pebbles or rocks at the base of the pot's drainage holes to ensure the roots are not submerged in excessive water, which can lead to rot.
Marble Queen Pothos prefers a fresh potting soil mixture of around two parts potting soil, one part perlite or vermiculite, one part peat moss or coco coir, and a pinch of compost. This blend is perfect for the plant since it drains well, retains water, and provides essential nutrients.
Creating an environment in which your Marble Queen Pothos will flourish doesn't require a horticultural symphony. This adaptable beauty thrives within the range of 65°F to 85°F (18°C to 29°C). It prefers temperatures that are relatively stable and don't fluctuate drastically.
During winter months, shield your plant from cold drafts during winter. Position it away from windows and doors that could allow cold drafts, ensuring it remains cozy and comfortable. It's best to avoid exposing Marble Queen Pothos to temperatures below 50°F (10°C), as prolonged exposure to colder temperatures can damage the plant and slow down its growth.
During summer months, protect Marble Queen Pothos from intense sunlight. Too much direct sun can elevate temperatures beyond what it prefers, so a little shade goes a long way. While Marble Queen Pothos can handle higher temperatures, extreme heat can cause stress and drying of the leaves. If you place the plant in an area with intense sunlight, be mindful of the temperature and provide some shade if needed.

Image Source: Unsplash
Marble Queen Pothos prefers humidity levels ranging from 40% to 60% or higher. This range simulates its natural tropical habitat and helps keep the plant's leaves lush and vibrant. While Marble Queen Pothos can tolerate lower humidity levels, excessively dry air can lead to issues such as browning leaf edges or increased susceptibility to pests. If you find yourself in an area with low humidity, think about raising the moisture level around the plant.
Here are some tips for maintaining adequate humidity for your Marble Queen Pothos:
Spraying the leaves frequently with water can effectively boost the humidity around the plant. It's best to mist in the morning to allow the leaves ample time to dry throughout the day, minimizing the chances of fungal growth.
Placing a humidifier near the plant can provide a consistent source of moisture in the air. This is particularly beneficial during the colder months when indoor heating tends to deplete the air's moisture.
Pebble Tray
Placing a tray filled with water and pebbles close to the plant can effectively elevate humidity levels. As the water gradually evaporates, it contributes to enhanced moisture in the air surrounding the plant.
Grouping Plants
If you possess multiple plants, clustering plants with similar needs together can establish a microclimate that boasts slightly elevated humidity levels generated by the combined transpiration of the plants.
Bathroom or Kitchen
These areas of the house often have naturally higher humidity levels due to steam from showers or cooking, so they are great places to grow Marble Queen Pothos. Placing your Marble Queen Pothos in these rooms can benefit its humidity needs.
Marble Queen Pothos (Epipremnum aureum' Marble Queen') has relatively flexible soil requirements, but using the right soil type can contribute to its overall health and growth. Marble Queen Pothos thrives in well-drained soil, which means that excess water should flow out of the soil easily, preventing the plant's roots from sitting in water and potentially rotting.
A good choice for Marble Queen Pothos is a high-quality, all-purpose potting mix. Incorporating perlite, vermiculite, or coarse sand into the potting mix can enhance aeration and drainage.
Marble Queen Pothos typically thrives in soil with a pH range between 6.0 and 7.0, slightly leaning towards the acidic to the neutral side. Most all-purpose potting mixes are within this pH range, but you can also check the pH of the soil mix if you're mixing your own.
Fertilizing Marble Queen Pothos (Epipremnum aureum' Marble Queen') is an essential aspect of its care routine to ensure healthy growth and vibrant foliage. During the active growing season, which typically spans from spring through early fall, you should fertilize your Marble Queen Pothos about once every 4 to 6 weeks. As growth gradually decreases during the colder months, you can reduce or temporarily halt fertilization.
Apply a complete, water-soluble fertilizer designed for foliage plants to your indoor plants. Seek out a well-balanced liquid fertilizer featuring an N-P-K (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) ratio of 20-20-20. This composition ensures that the plant receives a comprehensive supply of essential nutrients. Organic fertilizers like worm compost or a liquid seaweed solution are also recommended.
Every few months or when you notice salt buildup on the soil surface, it's a good idea to flush the soil by thoroughly watering the plant with plain water. This helps prevent the buildup of excess salts from fertilizers.
If you have recently repotted your Marble Queen Pothos or have a young plant, wait about 4 to 6 weeks before fertilizing to allow the plant to adjust to its new environment.
Be observant of your plant's reaction to fertilization. If you notice that the leaves are turning brown at the edges of the growth seems stunted, it could be a sign of over-fertilization. In such cases, water the plant thoroughly to flush out excess salts.
Propagation is a fun way to create new plants from your Marble Queen Pothos, and it's a great opportunity to share plants with friends and family.
Water Propagate
The most common method to propagate Marble Queen Pothos is by immersing the cutting in water and allowing it to root. Here are the steps for water-propagating Marble Queen Pothos from cuttings:
- Using sterilized pruning shears or scissors, sever the stems from the mother plant. Take cuttings that measure approximately 4-6 inches in length, positioning the cut just beneath a leaf node (where a leaf connects to the stem). Trim away lower leaves, retaining only a few leaves at the upper section of the cutting.
- Put the stem cuttings in a small container or jar with fresh water. Make sure the nodes are immersed in water. Position the cutting in a spot with bright, indirect light.
- Water should be changed once a week while the cuttings are growing, and toots should start to form within a few weeks.
- Once the roots have reached a length of a few inches, you can relocate the cutting to a pot containing a well-draining potting mix.
Soil Propagation
- Follow the identical steps used for water propagation when selecting and preparing a cutting.
- Rather than immersing the cutting in water, place it directly into a pot filled with a well-draining potting mix. If you prefer, you can dip the cut end in rooting hormone before planting.
- Position the potted cutting within a warm, well-lit, and humid setting. Utilizing a plastic bag or a transparent container can foster a mini greenhouse effect when placed over the cutting.
- Water the cutting conservatively until you observe fresh growth, signifying the development of roots and the establishment of the plant.
Aerial Layering
- Choose a healthy section of the Marble Queen Pothos vine and make a small incision on the stem, about halfway through, just below a node.
- If preferred, apply the rooting hormone to the incision.
- Encase the incision with damp sphagnum moss, then use plastic wrap to secure the moss and maintain moisture.
- Roots are expected to develop within the moss within several weeks to a few months. Once you see significant root growth, you can cut the rooted section from the parent plant and plant it in its own pot.

Image Source: Unsplash
Common Problems and Troubleshoots With Marble Queen Pothos
Common Pests
Some of the common houseplant pests, including mealybugs, scale, fungus gnats, and spider mites, can cause damage to marble queen pothos as well. Conduct routine inspections of your plant to detect signs of pests, including webbing, small insects, or sticky residue. You can use an insecticide, such as homemade insecticidal soap, to eliminate these insects without resorting to harmful chemicals. Neem oil can also be employed to eliminate pests.
Root Rot
Excessive watering and inadequate drainage can result in root rot, a fungal infection that impacts the roots. Indications comprise yellowing leaves, drooping, and a foul odor from the soil. To avert root rot, confirm the pot possesses adequate drainage and permit the soil to dry mildly between watering sessions.
Yellowing Leaves
Yellowing leaves can signify various problems, encompassing overwatering, underwatering, lack of nutrients, or insufficient light. Assess the plant's watering schedule and light conditions, and consider adjusting its fertilization routine if necessary. Uneven watering practices or letting the soil excessively dry out can also trigger yellowing leaves. Maintain a consistent level of moisture in the soil without causing waterlogging.
Brown Leaf Tips
Brown tips on the leaves may arise due to factors like low humidity, insufficient watering, or excessive direct sunlight. Increase humidity levels around the plant, adjust your watering routine, and consider moving the plant to a spot with filtered or indirect light.
Brown Spots on Leaves
Brown spots might be caused by chlorine or fluoride in tap water. Utilize distilled water or allow tap water to stand for a day before using it.
Another possible cause is a fungal issue. Overly moist conditions can encourage fungal growth. Ensure adequate airflow around both the plant's soil and leaves, and be cautious not to splash water onto the leaves.
Slow Growth
Inadequate light can slow down the growth of Marble Queen Pothos. Ensure it receives bright, indirect sunlight to promote healthy growth.
Insufficient essential nutrients can also contribute to sluggish growth. Contemplate fertilizing using a well-balanced houseplant fertilizer as per the advised schedule.
Lack of Variegation
If the variegation on the leaves starts to fade or the leaves become predominantly green, it could be due to insufficient light. Provide the plant with more indirect or filtered light to maintain its attractive variegation.
Leggy Growth
If your Marble Queen Pothos is producing long, thin stems with sparse foliage, it might not be receiving enough light. Relocate the plant to a spot with increased light to stimulate denser and more compact growth.
Leaf Loss
Some leaf loss is normal as older leaves are naturally yellow and drop. Nonetheless, excessive shedding of leaves could indicate stress due to environmental alterations, incorrect watering practices, or other influences. Evaluate the plant's general well-being and care regimen to determine the underlying cause.
Is marble queen pothos toxic to pets?
Yes, Marble Queen Pothos (Epipremnum aureum' Marble Queen') is considered toxic to pets, including cats and dogs. The plant contains calcium oxalate crystals, which, if ingested, can result in irritation and discomfort. In case a pet chews on or consumes parts of the plant, it may exhibit symptoms like drooling, pawing at the mouth, vomiting, and gastrointestinal distress.
Keeping Marble Queen Pothos out of their reach is recommended to ensure your pets' safety. Position the plant in locations that are out of reach. Alternatively, contemplate suspending it from a ceiling hook or positioning it on an elevated shelf. Should you suspect that your pet has consumed any portion of the plant and they demonstrate signs of distress, it's advisable to seek guidance and care from a veterinarian.