Looking for a houseplant that's a bit off the beaten path? The striking leaves of Anthurium Crystallinum are right up your alley! Although it might be difficult to find this plant in the first place, its care requirements are simple. And you'll be rewarded with a showstopper of a plant! This exquisite plant has found a special place in plant enthusiasts, collectors, and interior decorators' hearts with its striking beauty and unique features. From its velvety leaves veined with intricate patterns to its unmistakable silvery-white veins that shimmer like crystals, the Anthurium Crystallinum is a testament to nature's artistic brilliance.
Hailing from the rainforests of Central and South America, this tropical gem belongs to the Araceae family, sharing its lineage with other popular houseplants like the Peace Lily and the Monstera. Its popularity has surged in recent years, not only due to its aesthetic appeal but also because of the meditative joy it brings to those who nurture and cultivate it.
In this guide below, we will share how to care for Anthurium Crystallinum. Whether you're a seasoned plant lover or just beginning to discover the world of indoor gardening, we will share all the tips and hacks for how you can keep your Anthurium Crystallinum plant healthy and vibrant for years to come.
Botanical Name
Common Name
Plant Type
Mature Size
Sun Requirement
Soil Type
Hardiness Zone
Pet Friendly
Anthurium crystallinum
Crystal anthurium, Crystal laceleaf
Up to 3 feet tall
13+ (USDA)
What Is Anthurium Crystallinum?
Crystal Anthurium (Anthurium crystallinum) is a beautiful tropical plant that belongs to the same Araceae plant family as the ever-popular Monsteras, Philodendrons, and Peace Lilies. The care requirements for this family of plants are all similar, but Crystal Anthurium has some unique differences that set it apart from other plants.
Originating in the rainforests of Central and South America, Anthurium Crystallinum is typically found slowly climbing up trees so that its large leaves can receive more sun. The leaves of Anthurium Crystallinum are truly what sets it apart! The heart-shaped leaves can reach a full 18 inches across! They start off as a maroon color but mature to deep green, with a velvety texture and copper-colored undersides. The contrasting light green or silvery white veins make for a stunning sight.
It's uncommon for Anthurium Crystallinum to bloom, even in their natural environment. The blooms really are nothing much to look at, appearing somewhat like skinny purple Peace Lily flowers. It's the foliage that is the real star of this plant species.
Anthurium Crystallinum Care Requirements
Like many other tropical plants, Anthurium Crystallinum needs an abundance of bright, indirect light. It would naturally be found growing underneath the canopy of larger trees, receiving plenty of dappled sunlight. Direct sunlight will cause this houseplant's beautiful leaves to scorch and burn.
It's best to place Anthurium Crystallinum in a south-facing window, where it will receive indirect sunlight most of the day. If your morning sun is mild, an east-facing window will likely be fine, as the bright light will not be harsh.
If your only available locations for this plant receive too much direct light, consider diffusing the light using a sheer curtain. On the other hand, if there isn't a location in your home that receives enough light at all, then you can always place your Anthurium Crystallinum under grow lights.
Anthurium Crystallinum needs moist soil - but never soggy soil. To achieve this, you'll need to always check the top layer of the soil with your fingers to see whether the soil is damp or dry, and then only water when the soil feels dry. This means that you will not be able to water your Crystal Anthurium on any type of schedule, as many things affect how quickly the soil dries out.
When it is time to water your plant, water it thoroughly and keep as much water off the leaves as possible. Bottom watering is the most effective method for accomplishing this. Simply place your pot - which should have drainage holes - in a sink or tray filled with water. Let the soil soak up water from the bottom up.

Image Source: Flickr
This tropical plant requires temperatures to remain above 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Thankfully, the majority of indoor temperatures meet this requirement. Ideally, the temperature range should fall between 75 and 85 degrees. Be sure to keep your plant well away from areas that might experience temperature fluctuations, such as air vents, drafty windows, or fireplaces.
If you'd like to grow your Crystal Anthurium outdoors for part of the year - as a patio plant, perhaps - be sure to bring it inside when the overnight temperatures dip below 60 degrees.
Anthurium Crystallinum requires very humid environments of at least 70%. It is likely that your home sits well below this level! Although there are many ways to boost the air moisture levels around plants, Crystal Anthurium requires such high humidity that it will likely be necessary for you to place a small humidifier near it. A pebble tray just won't cut it.
For your Anthurium Crystallinum to thrive, the soil mix needs to mimic its natural conditions from the rainforest. Anthurium Crystallinum thrives in a well-draining, airy, slightly acidic, and loose potting mix that provides both moisture retention and good aeration. The forest floor contains abundant plant matter, which keeps the soil moist and airy. To imitate this, mix perlite (for drainage) into standard potting soil and coconut coir sphagnum moss or peat moss (for moisture retention).
Anthurium Crystallinum prefers a well-draining soil mix that prevents water from accumulating around its roots. Excessive moisture retention in the soil can result in root rot and other complications. A well-balanced drainage mixture permits surplus water to drain away while preserving adequate moisture for the plant's requirements. Aeration is crucial to prevent compacted soil, hindering root growth and oxygen exchange. A well-aerated, loose soil mix ensures roots can breathe and grow freely.
Anthurium Crystallinum is a relatively slow grower but will still appreciate regular fertilizing during its growing season. During the spring and summer months, apply a diluted, well-balanced houseplant fertilizer at intervals of a few weeks. Opt for a slow-release fertilizer for optimal results, as this will help prevent root burning.
Select a well-balanced, water-soluble fertilizer designed for houseplants or aroids. Seek out a fertilizer that offers an even N-P-K ratio (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium) along with vital micronutrients. Adhere to the dilution rates provided on the fertilizer's packaging as per the instructions. It's generally recommended to use a weaker solution than the label indicates, as Anthurium Crystallinum can be sensitive to excess nutrients. You have the option to dilute the fertilizer to half or three-quarters of the suggested potency.
You can choose either organic or synthetic chemical fertilizers for your Anthurium Crystallinum. Nutrients from organic fertilizers are released gradually as they decompose, whereas synthetic fertilizers deliver nutrients at a faster pace. Both types have advantages, so choose the one that aligns with your gardening philosophy and practices.
Anthurium Crystallinum is a rare plant in a nursery, so if you know someone who has one, you'll want to propagate Anthurium Crystallinum and share it with a friend! To propagate Anthurium Crystallinum, you can use stem cutting or root division.
Stem Cuttings
- Choose a healthy stem with multiple leaves attached. Ideally, choose a stem that has an aerial root or node.
- Use a clean knife to cut a length of stem just below the point where a leaf connects to the main stem.
- Immerse the trimmed end in the rooting hormone to stimulate strong root development.
- Plant your cutting in a small pot with proper soil, and place the pot in a warm and sunny spot. Placing a plastic bag over the cutting can elevate humidity levels. Keep the soil moist.
- You should see a new root system develop in a few weeks! Once a good root system has formed, you can transplant the cutting into a small pot with a well-draining potting mix.
Root Division
- Gently take the plant out of its container and inspect the roots. Seek out natural separations or offsets that possess their own roots and stems.
- Delicately detach the offsets from the primary plant, making sure that each one retains a substantial portion of roots.
- Trim any damaged or unhealthy roots.
- Repot the separated offsets in their own pots with fresh potting mix.
- Hydrate the freshly potted offsets and position them in a spot with bright, indirect light.
A mature Anthurium Crystallinum plant that produces offsets (small plants that grow at the base of the main plant)
- Carefully remove the offset from the main plant once it has developed its own roots and leaves.
- Carefully detach the offset from the main plant, being cautious not to harm its roots.
- Repot the offset in its own pot with a fresh potting mix.
- Hydrate the offset in its pot and position it in an area with bright, indirect lighting.
Pot and Repot Anthurium Crystallinum
Potting and repotting are important aspects of caring for Anthurium Crystallinum. Getting the right potting mix, pot size, and repotting schedule will contribute to the plant's overall health and growth. Select a container that is slightly bigger than the current root ball. A pot that's too big can lead to excess moisture retention and slow growth. Ensure that the pot possesses drainage holes to avert water buildup at the base, which could negatively affect the plant's roots.
Anthurium Crystallinum doesn't need frequent repotting. Repotting every 2 to 3 years is generally sufficient, or when you notice the plant becoming root-bound or outgrowing its current pot. If you see roots coming out of the drainage holes, the plant is becoming root-bound, or if it's struggling to hold moisture and dries out quickly, it might be time to repot. After repotting, water the plant lightly to help settle the new soil. Avoid fertilizing immediately after repotting, as the plant might be stressed. Allow it a few weeks to adjust before resuming regular fertilization.

Image Source: Pexels
Common Problems And Troubleshoots
Pest Issues
Like many houseplants, Anthurium Crystallinum may sometimes become host to an infestation of scale, aphids, and spider mites. All these pests have a preference for feeding on the plant's sap. Remove as many as you can manually, and then apply neem oil or insecticidal soap to treat your plant.
Disease Issues
The main disease which Anthurium Crystallinum will struggle with is root rot, which is caused by the roots sitting in water-logged soil. You will need to unpot the plant to amend this. Cut away rotten roots, repot in fresh soil, and amend your watering routine.
Yellowing Leaves
Yellow leaves often indicate overwatering, inadequate light, or insufficient humidity. Prior to watering, assess the soil moisture level. Confirm that the plant is receiving an appropriate amount of indirect light. Adjust your watering frequency and consider repotting with well-draining soil if needed.
Brown Leaf Edges
Brown edges may suggest low humidity, excessive fertilization, or exposure to dry air. Enhance the plant's humidity by employing methods like a humidity tray, misting, or a humidifier. Ensure you're not over-fertilizing, and follow the proper dilution and frequency.
Brown Leaf Tips
Brown tips can result from inconsistent watering, dry air, or buildup of salts from fertilizers. Maintain a regular watering routine and uphold adequate humidity levels. Leach the soil every few months to prevent salt buildup.
Leaf Curling
Curling leaves can result from low humidity, underwatering, or pests. Keep humidity levels elevated, maintain a consistent watering regimen, and vigilantly inspect for any signs of pests like spider mites.
Brown Spots on Leaves
Brown spots might be due to water splashes, fungal diseases, or bacterial infections. When watering, prevent water from coming into contact with the leaves. Guarantee proper air circulation around the plant. If the problem persists, you may need to address potential fungal or bacterial issues.
Root Rot
Root rot arises from excessive watering and inadequate soil drainage, resulting in fungal problems—guarantee effective drainage by utilizing a well-draining soil mixture and a pot equipped with drainage holes. Water the plant solely when the top inch of the soil exhibits dryness.
Slow Growth
Anthurium Crystallinum is a relatively slow grower plant. However, if it is growing very slowly or has no sign of growth, it can be due to insufficient light, inadequate fertilization, or root-bound conditions. Offer your plant a source of bright, indirect light. During the growing season, use a balanced fertilizer at a diluted strength. If the plant's roots are confined, contemplate repotting it into a slightly larger container.
Is Anthurium Crystallinum Toxic To Pets?
Yes, Anthurium Crystallinum is toxic to pets. Like all members of the Araceae family, Crystal Anthurium contains calcium oxalate crystals, which are toxic to both humans and animals if ingested. They cause significant mouth, digestive, and skin irritation.
Are the silvery-white veins on the leaves normal?
Yes, the silvery-white veins are a distinctive feature of the Anthurium Crystallinum and are completely normal.
How can I prevent pests from infesting my plant?
Consistently examine your plant for pests, quarantine new additions, and uphold proper hygiene practices. Treat infestations promptly with appropriate insecticides.
Can I keep my Anthurium Crystallinum outdoors?
Anthurium Crystallinum is primarily an indoor plant. It thrives in the controlled environment of your home, where you can maintain proper light, humidity, and temperature conditions.