How To Arrange Plants In Living Room

Last Updated March 4, 2024 By Bella Zinti

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Organizing plants within your living area goes beyond merely introducing bursts of color or a hint of the natural world. It involves turning your living space into a lively haven where the fusion of relaxation and visual charm occurs, and vitality permeates every corner. Whether you're a seasoned plant parent or a budding green thumb, arranging plants in your living room can elevate the ambiance, enhance your décor, and even boost your mood.

In this blog post, we will discuss how to arrange indoor plants in your living room, a space where we spend most of our downtime, entertain guests, and unwind. From creating stunning focal points with large, leafy specimens to adorning shelves with delicate, trailing vines, we'll guide you through the process of turning your living room into a lush, tranquil oasis.

What To Consider When Arranging Plants In Your Living Room

Understanding Your Light

The importance of matching your plants to the available light in your living room cannot be overstated. Various plants necessitate specific light conditions for optimal growth and well-being. By placing plants in suitable lighting, you ensure all the plants are healthy and long-lived.

For instance, succulents need bright light, while shade-loving plants prefer dimmer areas. This consideration is crucial because it directly affects the growth and appearance of your plants, ensuring they add beauty to your space rather than becoming a care challenge.

Considering Scale and Size

The balance between the size of your plants and the available space is key to creating a harmonious living room. Larger and taller plants can serve as focal points and add structure to a room, while smaller plants are perfect for filling spaces and adding subtle touches without overwhelming the area. This balance is important to maintain the aesthetic harmony of your room, preventing it from feeling cluttered or imbalanced.

Assessing Your Room's Layout

The placement of plants should enhance your living space without obstructing movement or functionality. This strategic placement is essential for maintaining the practicality and safety of your living area while adding natural beauty. It ensures that plants complement rather than complicate your living environment. Large plants anchor spaces without obstructing pathways, while smaller plants accentuate furniture like side tables or bookcases. The objective is to incorporate plants to elevate the room's functionality and aesthetics.

Thinking About Maintenance

Choosing plants that fit your lifestyle is essential for ensuring they remain healthy and vibrant. It is crucial to consider the amount of time and effort you can commit to caring for plants. Selecting plants that match your care capacity ensures a thriving green space without the stress of high-maintenance requirements.

Don’t Forget Air Quality

Including plants that purify the air is aesthetically pleasing and beneficial for your health. These plants improve indoor air quality by removing toxins, which is particularly important in a room where you spend a lot of time. This aspect of plant selection contributes to creating a healthier living environment.

Creating a Theme or Mood

The types of plants you select can set the tone for your living room. Whether you're aiming for a tropical oasis or a more formal ambiance, your plant choices can significantly influence the atmosphere. This consideration is key to making your space feel inviting and enjoyable, tailored to your personal style.

Living room filled with several plants

How To Arrange Plants In Your Living Room

Playing with Heights

Using plants of different heights adds depth and interest to your living space. It aids in guiding the gaze across the room, establishing a feeling of movement and equilibrium. This layering is visually appealing and maximizes the use of your space effectively, making the room feel more dynamic and cohesive.

Large and tall plants like Fiddle Leaf Figs or Dracaenas work well in corners or beside sofas, where they don't obstruct views but add a striking visual element. They can also act as natural dividers in open-plan spaces.

Small plants, such as succulents or Spider Plants, are ideal for shelves, coffee tables, or window sills, where they're visible but not intrusive. Use small plants to accentuate areas like TV stands or bookcases. This strategic placement allows each plant to contribute to the room's overall aesthetic without overwhelming the space.

Pot Style Matters

The choice of pots is as crucial as the plants themselves. Selecting pots and planters that complement both the plant and your room’s decor can significantly enhance the overall design. This coordination is important for creating a cohesive and stylish look, allowing even simple plants to contribute significantly to your room's aesthetic. Opt for sleek, modern planters in a minimalist setting, while colorful and ornate pots can add character in a more eclectic space. This attention to detail ties the room's look together.

Add Texture

When arranging plants in your living room, consider plant texture, which adds depth and interest to the space. Pairing plants with contrasting textures creates a dynamic visual effect. For example, a fern's soft, feathery fronds can beautifully complement a jade plant's thick, waxy leaves. Similarly, a spider plant's fine, delicate leaves can contrast strikingly with a snake plant's bold, sculptural form. You can also mix glossy leaves, like those of a rubber plant, with the matte foliage of a ZZ plant. These textural contrasts enliven your living room, making the greenery more engaging and aesthetically pleasing.

Grouping Plants

Grouping plants in your living room enhances the visual appeal and creates a cohesive look. When grouping, consider plant heights, colors, and textures. For example, a tall plant like leafy Monstera can be paired with medium-sized Peace Lilies and small, colorful succulents. This generates a tiered effect, directing the gaze upwards and introducing a sense of depth.

Another approach is to group plants with similar care needs, like grouping moisture-loving ferns and calatheas together in a shaded area. These groupings look aesthetically pleasing and make maintenance easier, as plants with similar needs can be watered and cared for together. In addition, many plants will enjoy grouping for humidity, especially tropical plants.


Considering plant color is crucial when arranging plants in your living room, as it can significantly influence the room's mood and style. Combining plants with contrasting colors can result in a dynamic and lively atmosphere. For example, the deep green of a Fiddle Leaf Fig can be complemented by the bright, variegated leaves of a Spider Plant or the purple hues of a Wandering Jew. Alternatively, for a more subdued, harmonious look, group plants with similar green shades, like the soft green of a Fern with the darker tones of a Snake Plant. These color combinations can enhance the overall aesthetic and bring a cohesive look to your living space.

Add Hanging Plants

Adding trailing plants in your living room not only enhances the room's aesthetics but also maximizes your use of space, especially in smaller areas. They're perfect for adding greenery without sacrificing floor or table space. Hanging plants like English Ivy or Spider Plants can thrive near windows, benefiting from natural light while adding a touch of nature to your interior. In dimmer corners, a hanging Golden Pothos or a Philodendron can introduce a lush, tropical feel due to their low light tolerance. Consider the String of Hearts or Swiss Cheese plants for unique leaf shapes.

Another creative placement is above or adjacent to furniture, where hanging plants can create a cozy, enveloping atmosphere. For instance, hanging a Fern or a Burro’s Tail above a reading nook or beside a bookshelf can create a mini green oasis. In open-plan living rooms, strategically placed hanging plants can help define different areas, like dining or sitting areas, without needing physical dividers.

You can also experiment with different types of hanging planters, like macramé hangers for a bohemian touch or sleek, minimalist pots for a more modern look. This approach introduces various textures and colors through plants and allows you to express your style by choosing planters. Using hanging plants effectively transforms your living room into a dynamic, vibrant, and inviting space.

Use Plant Stand

Expanding on using plant stands in living room decor, their versatility allows for creative and practical plant arrangements. Plant stands come in various heights, designs, and materials, allowing you to display plants at different levels and match them with your room's aesthetic. For instance, a tall, sleek metal stand holding a Rubber Plant can add an elegant, modern touch beside a contemporary sofa, while a wooden stand with a cascading String of Hearts can bring warmth and coziness to a rustic-themed room.

Plant stands prove especially beneficial for highlighting plants that might otherwise blend into the background. By elevating these plants, you can guarantee they receive sufficient light and attention. For example, placing a vibrant Calathea on a medium-height stand next to a lounge chair can bring the plant to eye level, making its intricate leaf patterns more appreciated.

Beyond their visual appeal, plant stands serve to optimize space efficiently. In smaller living rooms, utilizing vertical space with stands can keep the area from feeling cramped. This approach allows for more greenery without sacrificing floor space, creating an airy, open feel.

Moreover, multiple-level stands can be used to create a mini indoor garden in a single spot. This is particularly effective in a bright corner or near a window with abundant light. A combination of plants like Ferns, Philodendrons, and small flowering plants on a multi-tiered stand can create a striking living display.

Plants on white table

How To Arrange Based On the Spot

Small/ Coffee Table

Decorating a small coffee table with plants in your living room can add a touch of nature and elegance to the space. Opt for small, low-maintenance plants that don't overwhelm the table. Succulents are ideal due to their compact size and minimal care requirements. A small Orchid can add a touch of sophistication, while a tiny Snake Plant brings in a modern architectural element. Consider using decorative plant pots that match your room's aesthetic. Grouping a few small plants together, like a miniature Cactus next to a small Aloe Vera, can create an interesting display without taking up too much space or obstructing the view across the table.

On a Shelf

Decorating shelves with plants in your living room is a wonderful way to infuse the space with greenery without taking up floor space. Consider varying plant heights and leaf textures to create visual interest when arranging plants on shelves. Compact, low-maintenance plants such as succulents, cacti, or air plants are ideal, as they do not demand regular watering. You can also include trailing plants like String of Hearts or Ivy, which can drape beautifully over the edges.

Mix decorative items like books, candles, or small sculptures alongside the plants for a more eclectic look. Combining a Pilea (Chinese Money Plant) for its unique round leaves and a small Snake Plant for its vertical accent can provide an appealing contrast on a living room shelf.

Room Corners

Utilizing room corners for plant arrangements in your living room can transform these often underused spaces into vibrant focal points. Corners are ideal for larger, taller plants like a Majestic Palm or a Bird of Paradise, which can add a dramatic touch and a sense of height to the room. Smaller ones at their base can complement these larger plants, like a cluster of Peace Lilies or Aglaonemas, to create a layered look.

For a more minimalist approach, a single tall Monstera or Dracaena in an elegant pot can make a strong statement. This utilizes vertical space effectively and brings an element of nature and tranquility into the room, making the corner a visually pleasing and inviting spot.

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About the author

Bella has a Bachelors degree in interior design, is a master gardener. She designs nourishing outdoor & indoor spaces guided by the practice of Feng Shui.