Glacier Pothos: A Ultimate Care Guide

Last Updated July 5, 2022 By Bella Zinti

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Looking for low-maintenance plants with stunning foliage, look no further than the glacier pothos! This pothos variety is impressive with variegated, heart-shaped leaves of dark green and bright white stripes. Below, we'll tell you everything you need to know about caring for glacier pothos plants.

Botanical Name

Common Name

Plant Type

Mature Size

Sun Requirement

Soil Type

Hardiness Zone

Pet Friendly

Epipremnum Aureum “Glacier”

Glacier pothos


Up to 6 feet

Bright, indirect

Moist, well drained



What Are Glacier Pothos?

Glacier pothos is a pothos species (Epipremnum aureum) that is native to Southeast Asia, where it prefers to climb rather than trail. In an optimal environment, glacier pothos can reach heights of 8 feet! Each stem has variegated leaves regularly spaced along its length, with growth nodes opposite each leaf. It has smaller leaves than many pothos varieties. It can be grown both indoors or outdoors, as long as the temperature and light requirements are correct.

Glacier Pothos Plant Care


In any plant, green leaves indicate the presence of chlorophyll. Without chlorophyll, the plant will die. Variegated plants have portions of bright white on their leaves, and those sections don't produce chlorophyll. As lovely as they are, the thick white bands on the leaves of a glacier pothos are dead weight to the plant. This means that it's vitally important that you give your plant enough sunlight so that the green part of the leaves can get to work! Lots of dappled medium to bright indirect light is key!

So, how much light does a glacier pothos need? A full 10 to 12 hours of bright indirect sunlight. The pale leaves of this pothos variety can become sunburned if they come in contact with direct sunlight! It can live in low-light locations, but it won't grow quickly, and you'll notice the leaves start to lose their variegation. When not enough light reaches the leaves, the pothos start to turn their white leaves to green to collect more light.


The glacier pothos plant doesn't require much water and is drought-resistant. They'll need 2 inches of water every 7 to 9 days and less frequently during the winter. Overwatering can lead to various diseases, so always check the soil using your finger before watering.


Glacier pothos can handle a wide temperature range. While native to zones 9 through 11, it can grow in anything from 60 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. It will survive in lower temperatures but does not handle frost well. It is best to avoid taking these plants outdoors when the temperature drops below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. If you live in a warm zone and want to put your pothos on a patio, be sure to bring them in when the temperature drops.


Your glacier pothos plant prefers slightly high humidity levels of 50% to 70%. Your household humidity levels are likely fine, although you might need to supplement with a humidifier, pebble tray, or regular misting during the winter.


Any standard potting mixes will be great for your glacier pothos, but you must provide ample drainage. You can amend your potting soil with extra perlite or peat moss for added aeration and drainage. Be sure to use a pot with drainage holes to drain excess water and put rocks or gravel at the bottom of the pot. All of this will help prevent soggy soil.


Pothos plants don't require much fertilization. You can boost nutrients by using organic fertilizer or fish emulsion, diluted to half-strength, every two weeks during the peak growing season. Or, when you repot your pothos, you can mix some compost in with the soil. You'll know your glacier pothos needs a fertilization boost if you notice weak roots, overall drooping, slow growth, and a fading of the leaf variegation, despite getting enough bright sunlight.


As your glacier pothos plant grows, you'll likely need to move it to a larger pot. Otherwise, it can stunt the plant's growth and cause it to wilt.

When repotting, choose a pot with drainage holes that is at least 2 inches larger than your current pot - more if your plant is pot bound. You'll know your pothos is ready to repot when you notice roots poking out of the drainage holes, stunted growth, or the soil drying out more quickly than typical. When you have your plant out of the pot, take a moment to look over the root ball and remove any that show signs of root rot. Replant using a well-draining potting mix.


Pruning glacier pothos is necessary if you want them to reach their full potential. You can either cut each vine back about 2 inches or just cut away the dead leaves. It's best to prune during the peak growing months of spring and summer and never during the winter.


Don't throw those clippings away! You can propagate glacier pothos through the stem cuttings, particularly if you clip a long one! Here's how:

  1. Find a root node on healthy steam, and cut the stem 4 to 6 inches below it. Your cutting should contain at least 4 leaves and 2 root nodes along the length of it.
  2. Remove the bottom two leaves.
  3. Now, decide if you want to propagate using water or soil! The water method is faster. Place the stem in a jar of water, change the water every couple of days, and plant the stem in soil once you notice roots developing from the nodes.
  4. For the soil method, dip the cutting in a rooting hormone powder, and plant it 2 to 3 inches deep in a potting mix that is half peat moss and half perlite. Keep the soil moist, and you should notice root growth after a month.

Common Problems

The diseases that glacier pothos are susceptible to are almost all caused by overwatering or watering the leaves of the plant rather than the base. They are root rot, leaf blight, and leaf spot.

Is Glacier Pothos Pet Friendly?

Glacier pothos are toxic to humans and animals. They contain calcium oxalate crystals inside the leaves and stems, which do not break down after being ingested and will shred the skin inside the mouth and digestive tract.


What Is The Difference Between Glacier Pothos And Njoy Pothos?

Both pothos plants look very similar with distinctive appearances and growth habits. The main difference is the glacier is smaller and has a pointier leaf shape, and the glacier also has more silvery gray coloring while n' joy pothos has a white background.

Why Is My Plant Getting Leggy?

A lack of light can cause longer and leggy vines. If this occurs, you will need to change the plant's location to a bright light area, and it must be indirect light, with partial or dappled light.

Why Is My Plant Losing Variegation?

If the plant is getting too much sunlight or too little light, it can cause the plant to lose variegation.

Why Are My Plant Leaves Turning Yellow?

If the plant has leaves that start to turn yellow, you may be overwatering your plant or watering too often.

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About the author

Bella has a Bachelors degree in interior design, is a master gardener. She designs nourishing outdoor & indoor spaces guided by the practice of Feng Shui.