Manjula Pothos: A Care Guide

Last Updated August 4, 2022 By Bella Zinti

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Pothos plants are favorites among houseplant owners. They are relatively easy to care for, have showy leaves, and often trail dramatically. The Manjula Pothos is no exception. Below, we'll go over everything you need to know to grow a stunning Manjula Pothos plant.

Botanical Name

Common Name

Plant Type

Mature Size

Sun Requirement

Soil Type

Hardiness Zone

Pet Friendly

Epipremnum aureum ‘HANSOTI14’

Manjula pothos, happy leaf pothos, HANSOTI14, jewel pothos

Perennial, vine

6 ft long, 3 ft wide (indoors)


Loamy, moist but well-drained



What Is Manjula Pothos?

There are many variations of pothos plants, some are naturally occurring variations, and some are not. The Manjula Pothos (Epipremnum aureum manjula) is one of the pothos varieties that was cultivated in a lab in India.

Manjula Pothos is also known as the Happy Leaf Pothos, and it's no wonder it got its name. The deeply variegated pothos has white, cream, and silver patches on deep green leaves. The leaves are wide, heart-shaped, wavy, and upturned. This variegation may just be the most beautiful Pothos variety you have ever did see.

There are quite a few Pothos varieties that look similar to the Manjula. Here are some key differences between the look-alikes.

Manjula Pothos vs. Marble Queen Pothos (Devil's Ivy)

Both plants grow as vines and can either climb up or hang. The most distinguishable difference between the two plants is their leaves. Manjula pothos leaves are usually a mix of light yellow, white, and cream that are frilly and wavy. Marble queen pothos leaves, on the other hand, have splashes of green, cream, and white.

Both plants rarely flower, but when they do, they have erect flower stalks and can be cream-colored with purple spathes. The Manjula pothos has more defined white variegation than the Marble Queen, and marble Queen leaves are smooth, while Manjula leaves are quite wavy.

Manjula Pothos vs. Pearls And Jade Pothos

Both Manjula Pothos and Pothos N Joy are very similar, and the University of Florida patents both. While the Manjula has more defined white areas than the Marble Queen, the Pearls And Jade has even more distinct boundaries than the Manjula. The leaves of the Pearl And Jade are much smaller as well.

Manjula Pothos vs. Pothos N Joy

Both this and the Manjula have wave leaves and similar variegation. The Pothos N Joy variety has short internodes and a bushier growth habit that curls in on itself.

Manjula Pothos Care Requirements


Light is a big consideration to plants with such heavily variegated leaves. The chlorophyll in the leaves is what absorbs and uses sunlight, and the chlorophyll is what makes green leaves. When leaves are variegated and have less green on them, then less of the leaf is actively supporting the needs of the plant. The white splotches, while beautiful, are essentially dead weight.

So, getting the lighting conditions for your Manjula Pothos right is important. They need plenty of bright light - but it needs to be indirect light! Pothos plants are tropical plants that would grow under the canopy of a rainforest, receiving filtered, dappled light. Direct sunlight can damage the leaves of a Manjula Pothos plant or cause them to lose their variegation. Too little light will also cause the leaves to lose variegation. Place your plant in a place with plenty of bright, indirect sunlight.


You may run into many problems with a Manjula Pothos due to overwatering. Only water it when the top half of the soil is completely dry, which usually works out to once every two weeks. Watering more frequently, or when only the top inch or two is dry, will lead to root rot.


Manjula Pothos plants aren't picky in temperature, and they grow well in the range of 60 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. If kept indoors, this shouldn't be a problem. If you keep your Happy Leaf Pothos outdoors during the warmer months, be sure to bring it inside if daytime temperatures climb too high or nighttime temperatures begin to dip below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.


Being a tropical plant, the Manjula Pothos grows best in humid environments. You'll enjoy more dense foliage and faster growth. Try to maintain a 60% humidity level. To boost humidity, try any of the following:

  • Place your pothos by other plants. Plants naturally increase the humidity in the air directly around them.
  • Use a pebble tray. Fill a tray with pebbles, then fill it with water to just under the top of the pebbles. Place your pothos pot on the pebbles. Water will evaporate from the tray into the air around your plant.
  • Use a humidifier. Particularly in dry climates, you might benefit from a moisture boost as well!
  • Place your pothos in the bathroom. The steam from showers and baths will help your pothos thrive.


Your Manjula Pothos will grow well in any regular houseplant soil. It needs to be well-draining but also able to retain moisture. This can be a hard balance to strike! Many owners will amend a standard potting soil with perlite, peat moss, or coco coir to help improve the drainage and aeration.


Pothos do not need to be heavily fertilized. Dilute a liquid fertilizer to half strength, and feed your Manjula Pothos once every other month.


Manjula Pothos grow like vines. You can let the vines trail down or train them up a trellis or moss pole. In their natural environment, pothos plants will take over whole trees with vines reaching 60 feet in length! Indoors, they'll reach a more manageable length of 6 feet. You can trim them to a shorter length if you desire.


Manjula Pothos propagation is simple and easy. It's best to propagate a Manjula Pothos through a stem cutting. Here's how:

  1. Use clean garden shears to cut a length of stem between leaf nodes. Make sure the cutting is a couple of healthy leaves.
  2. Dip the cutting in the rooting hormone. This helps speed up the process and encourages stronger roots.
  3. Plant the end of the stem cutting in a pot with fresh soil, and keep that soil moist.
  4. Place a plastic bag over the pot to boost humidity, and set it in a location that doesn't receive direct light. You should notice the roots within a month!

Common Problems

Nearly all of the problems that you might run into while growing a Manjula Pothos come from overwatering or not providing adequate lighting conditions.

Brown Leaves

Brown leaf tips are a sign of scorching. Move your plant to a location that receives less direct sunlight. Leaves that are entirely brown, or have brown sections on the sides, are a sign of too much moisture. Un-pot your plant to check for root rot, then re-pot in fresh soil and water less frequently.

Loss Of Variegation

If your leaves are becoming increasingly green, then your Manjula Pothos plant needs more sunlight and is trying to maximize the little sunlight it's receiving. On the other hand, if your leaves are becoming more and more white, move them to a location with less direct sunlight.


Manjula Pothos can get invaded by spider mites, mealybugs, and scales. To prevent pests, avoid overcrowding, provide good air circulation and proper watering.

Is Manjula Pothos Pet Friendly?

All pothos plants are toxic to cats and dogs. If you have curious pets, either place your Manjula Pothos well out of their reach or choose a different plant.

Is Manjula Pothos Toxic?

Manjula pothos is toxic if ingested. You may suffer from gastrointestinal problems, including nausea, vomiting, and stomach ache.

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About the author

Bella has a Bachelors degree in interior design, is a master gardener. She designs nourishing outdoor & indoor spaces guided by the practice of Feng Shui.